Archdiocese of Chicago Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Evangelize Encounters with Christ in All Creation
Most Blessed Sacrament Church, Arlington TX Laudato Si’ Action Plan 2023-2026
St. Francis Xavier, NYC Laudato Si’ Action Plan Greening Our Parish, Enriching Our Lives
St. Ignatius Parish, Chestnut Hill, Mass Laudato Si’ Action Plan, 2023-2024
Archdiocese of Indianapolis LAUDATO SI’ REFLECTION May 22, 2023
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis was one of the first dioceses worldwide to enroll in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. This reflection is an important step on our Laudato Si’ journey. It has helped us identify opportunities and challenges present as we seek to answer the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor […]
Archdiocese of Indianapolis 2022-2023 Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Archdiocese of IndianapolisCreation Care Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles * Mission Vision Guiding Principles
Diocese of Syracuse 2023 Laudato Si’ Action Plan
This plan includes Care for our Common Home Task Force support for established Parish Creation Care Teams and actively encouraging new Parish Creation Care Teams to form using experience gained from the established Teams. This Plan is an adjustable path forward to better care for our common home based fundamentally on our spirituality and our […]
Catholic Health Association of US Letter to Congressional Leaders on Debt Ceiling Negotiations 5-8-2023[92]
Catholic Health Association has sent a letter to Congressional leadership calling on them to protect programs for the vulnerable and underserved as they negotiate debt ceiling. This includes a call to protect investments in climate change and transition to clean energy. Read the letter below and help support their message. Catholic Health Association of US Letter […]
Diocese of San Jose Laudato Si Action Plan
Volunteer members of the Stewards of our Common Home Committee in the Office for Life, Justice, and Peace in the Department of Evangelization are the drivers of the actions this year. One goal is for other Chancery offices to step up and create their own action plans in the coming years.
Diocese of Sacramento 2022 Toolkit for Parish Ministry
Archdiocese of Newark Laudato Si’ Action Plan
This Action Plan contains a menu of options that parishes and parishioners can take to start the difficult spiritual work of reversing the threat of global climate change and environmental degradation, and existing more sustainably in harmony with God’s creation. Because there is so much variety and diversity between parishes in terms of human and […]
Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si’ Action Plan
The Archdiocese of Atlanta’s “Laudato Si’ Action Plan,” authored by University of Georgia professors and staff, contains a variety of options for parishes and parishioners to help reverse the threat of global climate change and environmental degradation, and create a more sustainable world in harmony with God. As Catholics, we are urged by Pope Francis […]