God’s Plan(et) is an initiative of Catholic Climate Covenant




encounter logo 01 1 350x350 1Encounter for Our Common Home is an ongoing national campaign that brings together Catholics across the country to urge our U.S. Senators to enact authentic solutions to the climate crisis. These virtual and in-person encounters with our Senators come from the foundation of our Catholic faith and in accordance with the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

We are a coalition of U.S. Catholic groups working together for our Common Home. Join Catholic Climate Covenant and our U.S. Catholic partners for this national campaign for climate solutions. This is an advocacy effort in concert with the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) activities in the United States. 

Current Encounter Campaign Action:

We are currently advocating on the FOREST ACT
(Fostering Overseas Rule of Law and Environmentally Sound Trade)
Download the Catholic  Forest Act Talking Points. 

NOTE: Phase 1 was held in 2022​​​​​​ but future events will be planned and the campaign is just getting started! When you join the campaign, you will be the first to hear of campaign eventsView past Encounter campaign events/actions here.

Encounter Sponsors

sisters of mercy
laudato si movement
catholic climate covenant
rscj logo
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Campaign Resources

More Advocacy Actions and Events

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Past Actions and Events

Clean Cars

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Thank you for joining the U.S. Catholic community in urging the EPA and Administration to act now by advancing clean car standards and moving our nation to our 100% zero-emission vehicles goal by 2035. Signatures closed on 12/1.

Thank you for signing the Clean Cars Letter! (NOTE: We will be delivering the letter next week.)

Past Action - COP27 Letter

Thank you COP27

Thank you for signing our letter to President Biden ahead of COP27

As Catholics guided by the call to care for our vulnerable neighbors and our common home, we asked the Biden Administration to exercise leadership at the upcoming UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP27) with moral courage and exceptional ambition.

Our U.S. Catholic Letter, co-sponsored by nine Catholic organizations and signed by more than 4,000 U.S. Catholics, was delivered to the Biden Administration on 10/27/2022, urging them to encourage all nations to dramatically reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and provide meaningful assistance to the nations and peoples most impacted by climate change. 

CO-SPONSORED BY: Catholic Climate CovenantSisters of MercyFranciscan Action NetworkCatholic Health AssociationCarmelite NGOMaryknoll Office for Global ConcernsLeadership Conference of Women Religious, Ignatian Solidarity NetworkLaudato Si’ Movement.

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