Diocese of San Diego Laudato Si’ Action Plan Year Two
St. John Vianney Laudato Si’ Plan, Bettendorf, Iowa
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Laudato Si’ Action Plan
For more information go here.
LSAP Enrolled Dioceses
So far, 32 U.S. dioceses have enrolled in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) and committed to a seven year sustainability journey. The LSAP is housed in Europe, and guided by European privacy laws can only disclose names if the entity has checked a box allowing public disclosure. These are the dioceses that are “public” […]
Diocese of Lexington, Laudato Si’ Action Plan Guide
Includes Letter to all the Faithful in the Diocese of Lexington from Bishop Stowe, the diocese’s’ Laudato Si’ Action Plan, and Parish Assessment Guides. For more information go here.
Diocese of Stockton Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Maryknoll Affiliates Laudato Si Action Platform Resources
Courtesy of Maryknoll Affiliates, these LSAP worksheets are designed to assist families, couples, and individuals engage with the seven goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform (LSAP). LSAP Goal #1: Response to the Cry of the Earth • Worksheet on what you can do• Slides on goal concepts• EPA energy guide• Clean Driving tips• Family utility […]
Archdiocese of Seattle Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Laudato Si’ Action Plan Year One
St. John Neumann Catholic Church, Reston VA Year 2 Laudato Si’ Action Plan
Diocese of Joliet LSAP Action Plan
Laudato Si’: Promoting an integral ecology in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet