God’s Plan(et) is an initiative of Catholic Climate Covenant

LSAP Enrolled Dioceses


So far, 32 U.S. dioceses have enrolled in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) and committed to a seven year sustainability journey. The LSAP is housed in Europe, and guided by European privacy laws can only disclose names if the entity has checked a box allowing public disclosure. These are the dioceses that are “public” […]

Diocese of Lexington Laudato Si’ Action Plan and Guide

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1) Laudato Si’ Action Plan for Diocese of Lexington In 2024, the Diocese of Lexington took on an ambitious goal: to develop a Laudato Si’ Action Plan comprised of both diocesan commitments and Laudato Si’ Action Plans for every parish/mission in the diocese, and to publish that plan on January 1, 2025. To do this, […]

Maryknoll Affiliates Laudato Si Action Platform Resources

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Courtesy of Maryknoll Affiliates, these LSAP worksheets are designed to assist families, couples, and individuals engage with the seven goals of the Laudato Si Action Platform (LSAP). LSAP Goal #1: Response to the Cry of the Earth • Worksheet on what you can do• Slides on goal concepts• EPA energy guide• Clean Driving tips• Family utility […]