Families & Individuals
Families, young adults, and individuals of all ages are the fastest-growing population registering for the Platform! Be inspired by what individuals and families are doing and share your story!
Get Involved
God’s Plan(et) brings together a broad range of Catholic members from all over the world. These members walk together in synodality and communion with the universal Church on a journey of ecological conversion. Here are a few ways you can get involved.
- Laudato Si’ Action Platform
- Advocacy
- Pathways to Sustainable Living (Using the methodology See-Discern-Act, the website leads individuals and families through discernment and to actions (personal/family, communal and transformational) in each of four pathways
- Youth and Young Adult Mobilization
- Already an LSAP Champion? Let Us Know!
Be Part of the Journey to Protect God's Creation

“If I hadn’t picked up the one”
Aug 22, 2023
Today Marie Constantin is a founding member of the Louisiana Stormwater Coalition (www.louisianastormwater.com) along with Dr. Jeff Kuehney, Renee Verma and Kelly Hurtado.

Our Family’s Response to Laudato Si’
Aug 21, 2023
The publication of Laudato Si’ marked a turning point in our family’s efforts to live more sustainably.
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