Catholic Climate Covenant announces large net-zero creation care grant!
On August 12, Catholic Climate Covenant announced that it is now accepting applicants for a second round of the 2024 Victory Noll Sisters small grants program. However, this application cycle will be different from the first round this year and from previous cycles. From now until Nov. 4th, the Covenant will accept applications for one large grant of up to $20,000. This grant will be given to a diocese or Catholic organization to help initiate or be reimbursed for a large-scale net zero emissions/ decarbonization project.
The deadline has now passed for this grant application. The Covenant intends to announce the recipient of this large grant by Dec. 2, 2024.
Read about past winners here:
• 2021 grantees
• 2022 grantees (This cycle was also made possible through the generosity of the Seelos Foundation’s donation in thanksgiving of Blessed Francis X. Seelos, C.Ss. R.)
• 2021 grantees
• 2022 grantees (This cycle was also made possible through the generosity of the Seelos Foundation’s donation in thanksgiving of Blessed Francis X. Seelos, C.Ss. R.)