Parishes & Dioceses
Parishes, dioceses, archdioceses, and episcopal conferences are some of the most active groups integrating Laudato Si’ teachings, prayers, advocacy, and group activities into their programming and worship.
See U.S. enrolled dioceses here.
Get Involved
God’s Plan(et) brings together a broad range of Catholic members from all over the world. These members walk together in synodality and communion with the universal Church on a journey of ecological conversion. Here are a few ways you can get involved.
Be Part of the Journey to Protect God's Creation

California Bishops Support Launch of Laudato Si’ Action Platform
The California Conference of Catholic Bishops is joining Pope Francis in the launch of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP), which kicked off on November 14.

Syracuse Caring for Our Common Home Team Tree Blessing and Planting
A group of 10 parishioners from All Saints Church in Syracuse, NY recently joined their pastor, Fr. Fred Daley, to both celebrate and bless two hedge maple trees on Lancaster and Euclid Avenues in Syracuse.

Archdiocese of Chicago Laudato Si’ gardens growing
The Pastoral Migratoria office in the Archdiocese of Chicago celebrated the blessing of the garden at St. Mary of Czestochowa’s social center vegetable garden on May 24th.