A Catholic Home Solar Workshop in Md, DC, & NoVA
- May 30 2024
- Expired!
- 7:00 pm
(Español abajo)
Praised be You … with all Your creatures, especially Brother Sun,
Who is the day and through whom You give us light…” – Saint Francis of Assisi
In the years since the Holy Father’s encyclical Laudato Si’, our region’s Catholic communities have been responding faithfully in many ways.
This spring, Catholic homeowners have an opportunity to embrace the blessing of what St. Francis called “Brother Sun” – by putting up solar panels at home, together with neighbors. Start the process to join purchasing groups through two nonprofit organizations: Solar United Neighbors (bit.ly/IPLsolarswitch24 in Northern Virginia, DC, and Montgomery, Frederick, and Prince George’s counties) and Civic Works (energyprograms.civicworks.com/ipl in Baltimore, Harford, Howard, and Anne Arundel Counties).
Please join us for an online Catholic Home Solar Workshop on Thursday, May 30 at 7pm to hear a teaching about Pope Francis’ call to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy “without delay,” a testimonial about how meaningful it is to go solar at home, information from both Solar United Neighbors and Civic Works, and then to ask questions about the process, and to sign up! Register at bit.ly/CatholicHomeSolarWorkshop
This event is convened by Catholic Climate Covenant and Interfaith Power & Light (DC.MD.NoVA) in partnership with several Catholic parishes, including the Nativity Catholic Church Creation Care Ministry. To help share the workshop in your parish and join the listed partners, email solar@ipldmv.org. (Our group is also supporting parishes and schools in considering solar projects for their facilities; contact solar@ipldmv.org to learn more.)
Here is the link to the Facebook event for the 5/30 workshop: https://www.facebook.com/events/500270575657867
En los años desde la publicación de la Encíclica del Padre Santo, Laudato Si’, las comunidades católicas de nuestra región han respondido fielmente en varias maneras.
Esta primavera, los católicos que son propietarios de viviendas tienen la oportunidad de aprovechar la bendición de lo que San Francisco llamaba “el sol hermano” – poniendo paneles solares en sus casas, junto con sus vecinos. Empiece el proceso de unirse a grupos de compras con dos organizaciones sin fines de lucro: Solar United Neighbors (solarswitch.com/es/capitalarea/home en la norte de Virginia, DC, y los condados Montgomery, Frederick, y Prince George’s) y Civic Works (https://energyprograms.civicworks.com/ipl en la ciudad y el condado de Baltimore y los condados Harford, Howard, y Anne Arundel).
Para aprender más sobre las cooperativas solares y cómo funcionan, mire esta presentación de Solar United Neighbors: bit.ly/SUNpresentacion.