God’s Plan(et) is an initiative of Catholic Climate Covenant

Open House for new Canticle House Franciscan Intentional Community

Jul 28 2024
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia invite you to visit Canticle House on July 28, 1-5 p.m.

We welcome you to visit Canticle House, our newly forming Franciscan Intentional Community, located at 1911 Chestnut St. Chester, PA. Canticle House welcomes young adults and spiritual seekers to live in an intentional community as sisters and brothers. We intend to nurture hope, celebrate diversity, and make choices for the healing and well-being of our Earth through practicing sustainable living in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and Laudato Si. Community members collaborate in sharing meals, prayer, celebrations, and activities energized by four core values: nurturing life-giving, mutual relationships; offering hospitality and welcome; seeking environmental and social justice; and living contemplatively (integrating reflection and action). We can welcome up to three young adults who work or study beyond the community and share expenses through a monthly program fee. Those in our area are invited to stop by on July 28th to see our space and enjoy some light refreshments. You can also learn more at https://osfphila.org/youngadults/franciscan-intentional-community/ or connect with us at youngadults@osfphila.org.

Download flyer here.