God’s Plan(et) is an initiative of Catholic Climate Covenant

Human Trafficking with Kara Griffin during National Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Jan 08 2025
6:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Hosted by the Laudato Si’ Circle of the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, NC. All are warmly welcome. Wednesday January 8 from 6:30-8pm ET by Zoom.

Let’s work towards a world free of exploitation. After 15 mins in prayer, we review Monsignor Brockman’s recent homily on human trafficking then welcome from the Diocese of Charlotte, NC Kara Griffin. She leads the Catholic Charities Human Trafficking Awareness Committee and is a representative for the CCC Inter-diocesan network. She will share the Catholic Church’s response to Human Trafficking, including information, daily actions and resources that will help put an end to human trafficking. Please email Monica for the zoom link at: laudatosicircle@gmail.com